Adding Services


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To align the services you want to this product, from the Product Detail screen, click on the Services: link. When the Services screen opens, check the appropriate service or services that you would like added to this product. Note that there are two types of services thatyou cal align to a product: Merge Services and Additional Services. It it very important to follow the instructions below in the Things to Remember section.

Things to remember when adding services

  1. Add only one of the following eight Merge Services listed below to each product except for print image reports:
    1. Pick and Choose, or
    2. List and Stack, or
    3. Blend, or
    4. Import, or
    5. Quick Pick and Choose, or
    6. Quick Blend, or
    7. Quick List and Stack, or
    8. Quick Import
    If you add more than one of these Merge Services to a product, your requests will not pull properly. If you do not add one of these three services, your requests will not pull properly.
  2. You may apply any other combination of Additional Services as needed to updateable accesses.
  3. Print image accesses should never have a service aligned to them as they are not updateable reports.
Merge Services (Do not combine these services--only add ONE per product)
  1. Blend--The Blend service takes into account preferred bureau order and most recent date reported information within duplicates reported from the bureaus. This service compares duplicates, finds the most recent date reported within the duplicates, and creates a trade line in the preferred bureau order.
    1. MergeLog AddOn-this AddOn to the Blend service keeps a record of the bureau information and how this information is parsed out to form trade lines that reflect most recent date reported for the preferred bureau order. This service is often used for diagnostic purposes. We do not recommend enabling for constant use.

  2. Import--This service imports all information reported from the bureaus. It does not perform any merging operations-it will display all the reported information based on the Sort Order.

  3. List and Stack--This new service option will list the same trade line(s) from all three bureaus in a group, then stack each group of trade lines according to preferred bureau order. It will then order the group of duplicate trade lines by the sort choice you have set within the Outputs section for that product. List and Stack works differently than Pick and Choose in that it will keep all of the requested detail items--including duplicates--and list them on the report.
    1. MergeLog AddOn-this AddOn to the Blend service keeps a record of the bureau information and how this information is parsed out to form trade lines that reflect most recent date reported for the preferred bureau order. This service AddOn is often used for diagnostic purposes. We do not recommend enabling it for constant use.

  4. Pick and Choose--This service reduces duplication of trade account information on the same trade lines from each bureau. Essentially, Pick and Choose selects the best trade information based on derogatory variables and discards the rest-these variables are listed on page 1. We recommend that you have either Pick and Choose, Quick Pick and Choose, or List and Stack selected for each of your products that are not print image report products.
    1. MergeLog AddOn--this AddOn to the Pick and Choose service keeps a record of comparisons and scores for keeping (picking and choosing) report information. This service AddOn is often used for diagnostic purposes. We do not recommend enabling it for constant use.

  5. Quick Blend--This service is mainly for speed. It is meant to be used only on products that will NOT be updated-Infiles only. All Quick services are intended to be used by those clients that pull large quantities of unverified-or Infile-requests. The Quick Blend service functions exactly like the Blend service, but it will delete all segment information once a report is printed and only keep the raw bureau data. If a manual workup is performed on a report that was serviced with Quick Blend, the manual update will take longer to Save as the system has to re-create the segments for the request detail information.

  6. Quick Import--This service is mainly for speed. It is meant to be used only on products that will NOT be updated-Infiles only. All Quick services are intended to be used by those clients that pull large quantities of unverified-or Infile-requests. The Quick Import service functions exactly like the Import service, but it will delete all segment information and not insert any information into the XpertOnline.Net database. It will keep all raw bureau data so any information can be re-created upon request. If a manual workup is performed on a report that was serviced with Quick Import, the manual update will take longer to Save as the system has to re-create the segments for the request detail information.

  7. Quick List and Stack--This service is mainly for speed. It is meant to be used only on products that will NOT be updated-Infiles only. All Quick services are intended to be used by those clients that pull large quantities of unverified-or Infile-requests. The Quick List and Stack service will function exactly like the List and Stack service, but it will delete all segment information and not insert any information into the XpertOnline.Net database. It will keep all raw bureau data so any information can be re-created upon request. If a manual workup is performed on a report that was serviced with Quick List and Stack, the manual update will take longer to Save as the system has to re-create the segments for the request detail information.

  8. Quick Pick and Choose--This service is mainly for speed. When used, it will function exactly like the Pick and Choose service but it will delete all segment information once a report is printed and only keep the raw bureau data. This service is for those clients who wish to pull a large volume of reports-Infiles only-very quickly but will not perform any manual work-ups of reports. If a manual workup is performed on a report that was serviced with Quick Pick and Choose, the manual update will take longer to Save as the system has to re-create the segments for the request detail information.

Additional Services (these services can be combined)
  1. Acct exists/op dt 60 days/add acct# to Inq narr--if an account whose beginning date is within 60 days of the inquiry posted for the same company exists on an Applicant's report, will put the account number into the narrative of the inquiry.

  2. Calculate Terms--This service automatically figures the terms of an account at 2.5 percent of the balance if the reporting bureau has nothing assigned to the terms field.

  3. Clear Terms on 0 Balance Installment Accounts--this service will delete any data in the Terms field of an account detail item if the request is deemed an Installment account and the balance is zero.

  4. Check/Set Date Reported - 0 Balance; > 90 Days--we have modified this service with the 7.31.01 release (click here to view all updates). Previously, this service would find any account that had a zero or a blank balance whose Date Reported value was older than 90 days and had a DLA value and would set the Date Reported to the current date. If there was no Date Reported value, it would set the Date Reported to the current date. With this release, this service will take into account the following:
    1. It will not use a blank balance as a valid criterion any longer - the balance must be zero.
    2. If no DLA value is present and the account is older than 90 days, this service will set the DLA to the Date Reported value and set the Date Reported value to the current date.

  5. Clear Terms on 0 Balance Revolving Accounts--this service will delete any data in the Terms field of an account detail item of the request is deemed a Revolving account and the balance is zero.

  6. Convert Account Names--this service works in conjunction with the Name Conversion option beneath the Utilities link on the main Action Menu. This utility allows users to customize account names when they are imported by When a user chooses this service, they will need to select the name of the group that they have customized. Click here for information on the Name Conversion utility option.

  7. Convert Alerts--this service works in conjunction with the Alert Conversion utility found on the main Action Menu beneath the Utilities link. When this service is enabled on a product, any bureau alerts that have been setup to be converted to the user's desired text will indeed be converted.

  8. Convert ECOAs--When this service is turned on, ECOA codes reported from Experian will convert based on the default bureau conversion. There is no conversion turned on for EFX and TU--whatever returns from either of these bureaus is reported.

  9. more information for convert ECOA service

  10. Convert Narratives--this services works in conjunction with the Narrative Conversion option beneath the Utilities link on the main Action Menu. This utility allows users to customize bureau-reported narrative information when they are imported by When a user chooses this service, they will need to select the name of the group that they have customized. Click here for information on the Narrative Conversion utility option.

  11. Do not Import Bureau Addresses--this service will not import or display the address of the bureau that was pulled when the request was ordered.

  12. Do Not Import Bureau Employments--This service will not import any employment information on an Applicant/Co-applicant as reported by the bureaus.

  13. Interview: when aligned to a product, this service marks the entire request with an Interview service that indicates to the updater/processor that the Applicant should be interviewed prior to sending this requst back to the Subscriber. There are corresponding Interview fields on the Modify... | Request page (found by opening the request into the Request Detail page) for the Applicant interview information.

  14. Manual User Service--This service should only be used for RMCR products. When turned on, it places the pulled request in an Updating status so that the request can be worked on by an updater/processor. In the meantime, a preliminary request will be sent back to your Subscriber/Client. Once the work is done, the updated report can then be printed back to your client via the Print Detail Screen within a request. Note that this service only places a request in an Updating status--that is all.

  15. Remove Accounts older than 7 years--when enabled, this service will have check the Deleted checkbox on any trades and collections that have a DLA (Date of Last Activity) older than seven years. Checking the Deleted checkbox marks the account as deleted but keeps the account on the report.

  16. Remove Inquiries Older than 90 Days--this service will remove any inquiries from a request that are older than 90 days fromt eh date the request was pulled.

  17. Remove My Inquiry--This service removes inquiries from certain subscribers. The subscribers whose inquiries are removed is determined by your input beneath the Options link.
    1. Options--in the Options window you will input subscriber numbers whose inquiries you want to remove from the report. If you need to input multiple subscriber numbers into this screen, separate the numbers with a comma but no space. Extra spaces will not allow the system to see beyond the first subscriber number.

  18. RMCR--this service should be aligned to any products that are RMCR products. It will then mark any ordered requests as RMCR requests and place the request in an Updating status until the RMCR service is marked as completed, as is done from the Request Detail page.

    Important Note on RMCR service: For those users working in the Workflow page (click here for more info), the Line Item = RMCR checkbox will only find those outstanding products that have the RMCR service aligned to them.

  19. Set DLA = Date Rep for accounts newer than 90 days--if the Date Reported on an account is newer than 90 days, the DLA will be set to the same date as the Date Reported.

  20. Set Past Due Amount to 0 for zero balance accounts--if an account (trade line) has a zero balance and a past due amount that is not equal to zero, this service will set the past due amount to zero.

  21. Set Past Due to Balance for 7, 8, 9 Rated accounts--when this service is enabled, any accounts found on a request that have a 7, 8, or 9 rating will have the past due amount set to equal the value in the Balance field. For your information, a 7 rating indicates a Wage Earner Plan or a NPFC; an 8 rating indicates a repossession/foreclosure; and a 9 rating indicates a charge off/collection.

  22. Verify Addresses--when aligned to a product, this service marks the entire request with a VAddress service that indicates to the updater/processor that all addresses, including former and current, should be verified and updated prior to sending this request back to the Subscriber.

  23. Verify Balances within 30 Days--This service prompts the user to verify balances within 30 days on all accounts. When turned on, it adds "To Do" items to the Request Detail screen and automatically creates tasks for you on the Xpert Today page.

  24. Verify Balances within 60 Days--This service prompts the user to verify balances within 60 days on all accounts. When turned on, it adds "To Do" items to the Request Detail screen and automatically creates tasks for you on the Xpert Today page.

  25. Verify Balances within 90 Days-This service prompts the user to verify balances within 90 days on all accounts. When turned on, it adds "To Do" items to the Request Detail screen and automatically creates tasks for you on the Xpert Today page.

  26. Verify Employments--when aligned to a product, this service marks the entire request with a VEmploy service that indicates to the updater/processor that all employments, including current and former, should be verified and updated prior to sending this request back to the Subscriber.
Once you have the appropriate Services added to this product, click on the Product Detail link at the top of the screen highlighted in blue to return to the Product Detail screen.

Once you return to the Product Detail screen, you will notice that the Services you aligned to this product will display beneath the Services: link.
The next step will be to add Outputs to your products.

Use the BACK button to return to the previous page and add your Outputs