ECOA Conversion Information
Please note that the information below does not include customization of ECOA codes
An ECOA code identifies a trade as belonging to an Individual, Joint, Co-Signer, etc. Each bureau has different ways of reporting an Individual ECOA; however, Trans Union and Equifax both report ECOAs in a similar, alphabetical fashion. Therefore, no matter if the Convert ECOA service is turned on or off, ECOAs from TU and EFX will always be the same if you have not customized your ECOAs. The difference lies in Experian and Trans Chicago/Fannie Mae (TC/EFX, TC/TU, TC/XPN) ECOAs. This is because these bureaus report ECOAs in numeric values. When the Convert ECOA service is turned on for a product, these numeric ECOAs will convert from numeric to alphabetical values. Users can now customize their ECOAs that they receive from each bureau! Click here for more information. In summary:
Here are the ECOA codes and corresponding definitions for Equifax trade lines (these are also called Trade Check Codes by EFX):
Here are the ECOA codes and corresponding definitions for Trans Union trade lines:
Here are the ECOA codes and corresponding definitions for Experian trade lines when the Convert ECOA service is NOT turned on:
Here are the ECOA codes and corresponding definitions for Experian trade lines when the Convert ECOA service IS turned on:
¹This ECOA code is not converted, and will remain "W" even if the Convert ECOA service is enabled Here are the ECOA codes and corresponding definitions for TC/FNMA (EFX, TU, and XPN) trade lines when the Convert ECOA service IS turned on:
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