- Some of the Xpert Today Tasks (namely, the Services Available to be Worked On and Services for Entire Request) have been separated out into Service Team ID numbers. These ID numbers--included in the Subscriber/Client setup page--delegate requests that require manual intervention into groups sorted by this number. If you do not wish to use this number, or have no use for it, you will see all Tasks separated out by Service Team ID in a group called "Unassigned."
Note that this will not change the way you find and update trade lines for requests.
- As mentioned above, your Subscriber/Client list will have a few new fields: Service Team, Region, Department, and Sales Person. These new fields are not critical to the way you currently process requests; you can leave them blank if you wish.
Select on any of the linked text here to view the details.
- You can now customize products from the Provider side of XOL.Net. Note that this is not 100% functional.
- The Request List screen now shows a No Raw linked option. When selected, this link will open the Request Detail--and all subsequent screens--faster because the raw bureau data does not load with these pages.
- When you open a request, in the Request Detail's Action Menu you will see two new links below the Modify applet: a Product link and a Request link.
- Modify | Product--this link opens the Modify Product page that allows you to customize products. Right now, only the Accesses section is functional. In this page, you can cancel and/or repull accesses for either an Applicant or a Co-applicant, or for both. You have the option to add AddOns here as well as view the segment name and the date/time the access was completed. When used, be sure to save your changes.
- Modify | Request--this link opens the Modify Request page that allows you to add, remove, or edit as necessary Applicant or Co-applicant information. When used, be sure to save your changes.
- From the main pages, in the Action Menu, there are three additional links beneath the Utilities applet: Name Conversion, Narrative Conversion, and Fax Management.
- Name Conversion--this link opens a page that allows you to convert any account names you wish. For example, if you wish to convert the account name Bank of America to B of A, you may do that in this screen. This works with the Convert Account Names service that is enabled on a product.
- Narrative Conversion--this link opens a page that allows you to convert any narratives that import on a trade line. For example, if you wish to convert the narrative "Account Included in bankruptcy" to "Acct. included in BNKRPTCY," you may do this in this screen. This works with the Convert Narratives service that is enabled on a product.
- Fax Management--only use this Utility if you have faxes coming in through the ISOFax software.