Adding Outputs

Outputs within the Xpert3 system are formatted printouts of requests that contain bureau information. To add the proper output(s) to a product, click on the Outputs: link from the Product Detail screen. Once the Outputs window opens, check the fashion that you would like your clients to view reports in. The output that you align to a product depends largely on the type of access (print image or updateable access) you choose. Most likely, for all updateable accesses, you will want to choose the PDF Lender Report.

You will notice that, once you have checked the checkbox to align an output to a product, the AddOns and Destinations links, if applicable, will become available, as will a drop down list of Sort Orders. For instance, if you check the PDF Lender Report (recommended for updateable accesses only), since this output option has AddOns available, the link will become active. Since this output option also has a variety of destinations available, the destinations link becomes active as well. Every output option will have a Sort Order option available when you check the output checkbox.

--------------------EXAMPLE: enabling PDF Lender Report--------------------

See the example below for the PDF Lender Report Output. Hovering over the image demonstrates 1) the action of checking the Selected checkbox next to an Output within the Xpert3 system and 2) how an output in an On position changes. Note that, when hovered over, the image changes in four ways:

  1. The Selected checkbox becomes checked, indicating that this output is turned on for this product
  2. The AddOns link becomes clickable.
  3. The Destinations link becomes clickable.
  4. The Sort Order drop down list becomes visible.
Now, take your mouse and hover over the image to see the changes.
Turning on an output for a product
Note: You will need Adobe's Acrobat ReaderTM to properly view the PDF Output formats.

Adding AddOns to Outputs Adding Destinations to Outputs Adding Sort Orders to Outputs

Adding outputs is the final stage of creating a product. Once you have a product list and a product with the proper accesses, services, and outputs aligned to that product, on the Action Menu, click the Save Changes menu option. If you fail to do this, you will have to re-add all of this information.

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