Adding Output Destinations to Products

Destinations to outputs are places where you would like ordered requests to go. You will also notice that, depending on which output you choose, the Destinations link will become available. Usually, you should always check the Output to User Mailbox as this will always ensure that your client received a request when they order one.

Important Note
Certain Destinations are available on certain Outputs. The Xpert3 system will determine which destination is necessary for which Output.

Destination Definitions
  1. Output to User Mailbox: We recommend that, if you want your client to receive a report back, you check the Output to User Mailbox destination. Note that, since some reports will not need to be seen by your clients, the Destinations link is available only on certain outputs.

  2. Output to Email: this will package the request so that it can be emailed. The PDF file will be sent as an attachment to the email address of the client that was input during the subscriber/client setup. If you do not setup an email address when setting up a new client/subscriber, this will not function properly.

  3. Output to Fax: this option will send the report to a fax machine. The machine that pulls this request must be connected to a fax in order for this destination to work properly. In order for this output to function properly, you must set up a fax number for the client/subscriber during the client/subscriber setup process.