Adding Output AddOns to Products

Clicking on the AddOns link will open a page that allows you to add additional printing options to this output. These are additional output options that can be activated when a report is printed back to your client.

Output AddOns definitions:

  1. Do not display Price on output: this will not display the price of the report.

  2. Print Bureau Addresses: this print option will print the bureau addresses on the report.

  3. Print Creditor List: when checked, this option will print those entries that exist in the Rolodex. This does not mean that every creditor in the Xpert 3 system will print-only those products that have the Online Directories set up will print those Rolodex entries. The Online Directories option is set in the AddOns section of aligning a bureau access code to a product.

  4. Print Legal Size: when checked, this output AddOn will print the report on legal sized paper instead of letter sized paper.

  5. Print Notice on Automated Infiles: this AddOn, when checked, will print a disclaimer on any ordered infile that tells the client and applicant that this report was ordered through an automated process and could contain duplications or omissions. This notice usually appears just above the Employments section of the report.

  6. Print Original Bureau Source Segment: when checked, this AddOn will print which bureau reported the trade information, or the inquiry, or the alert, etc.

  7. Print Plain Language Format: this option will print detail information on a reported item in letter/normal text. By default, Xpert 3 will print in a common language format, which displays in the format of numbers/code. For example, plain language would print "As Agreed," while common language would print "01."

  8. Print Profile Summary: this prints a profile summary of the report in paragraph form at the bottom of the report and includes such information as total balance, total past due, total monthly payment, number of 30/60/90 slows, number of collections, etc.

  9. Skip Inquiries: this AddOn will not print inquiries on any report printed.