Request List/Request Detail
How the Request List and Request Detail pages display priorities (Gold, Silver, Standard)


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Request List (Entire List and Working List) Page

Requests that have been ordered with products that have Gold or Silver priorities on them will be noticeable within the Request List page (both the Working List and the Entire List). This also includes those requests that have had messages left on the entire request and assigned a Gold or Silver priority. The area highlighted in red shows how the Request List displays prioritized items. Note that this is the Entire List (which displays requests from newest to oldest); the Working List (not shown) displays requests from oldest to newest no matter the priority.

How Request List displays priorities

Request Detail Page

When you open a report into the Request Detail page, there are many places that enable you to determine the priority not only for the entire request but for each account as well.

How to determine priorities on the Request Detail

The areas highlighted in red allow updaters/processors to determine the priority on the entire request and on each account. In the above example:
  1. The Priority located in the request header reads as "Gold," indicating that this request is a high priority request.
  2. The Priorities listed in the Services section reflect messages that have been placed on accounts and the priorities that were assigned at the time the message was left.